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Get to know Kendra Taylor - Universal Banker

My responsibilities at Eureka include splitting my time between our Lasalle and Oglesby branches.

Before Eureka, what other jobs did you have?

I had my first job at 12 and corn-detasseled for many summers of my teenage years. From there I have worked retail, customer service, healthcare for ten years and now I have been in the banking world with Eureka for almost two years (March)

What are your responsibilities at Eureka?

My responsibilities at Eureka include splitting my time between our Lasalle and Oglesby branches. Processing teller transactions, opening different types of new accounts and debit cards, customer service, problem solving, answering the phone and various other things.

Tell us a little about yourself outside of work

Outside of work I am the mom of the greatest ten-year-old boy, Levi. I am in the last year of my full-time bachelor’s degree program for business with certifications in marketing, I enjoy spending time with my friends and family, and makeup brings me joy.

What kind of advice would you have for a soon to be college graduate?

As someone very close to graduating college as a full time working single parent, I know it isn’t easy but, find something you enjoy, and try to stay as positive as you can because there are always things that help get us through our tough days and rainstorms can’t last forever.

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